Why a site about prayer?

The purpose of this site is to encourage us to each go deeper in our prayer life. One way that we do that is by praying together. Another way we do that is by praying individually yet collectively on the same prayer themes. Our hope is that as we share prayers and reflect on them and pray over them at the same time in our individual lives, the Holy Spirit will speak to each of us and allow us to encourage and edify one another in prayer.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Light of Life

Light of life, you came in flesh,
born into human pain and joy,
and gave us power to be your children.
Grant us faith, O Christ, to see your presence among us,
so that all of creation may sing new songs of gladness
and walk in the way of peace. Amen.

From Revised Common Lectionary, Year A, Christmas


  1. Lord, let me see you everywhere. Amen

  2. Word made flesh - thank you that you have given us the power to become your children. Give me faith to see your presence around me. I want to know you deeper and give you all of my worship. Guide me in the ways of peace. Amen.

  3. Born into human pain and joy. Jesus, you are in the middle of all of it!! Thank you! Let me see you and worship you in all things!!
