Why a site about prayer?

The purpose of this site is to encourage us to each go deeper in our prayer life. One way that we do that is by praying together. Another way we do that is by praying individually yet collectively on the same prayer themes. Our hope is that as we share prayers and reflect on them and pray over them at the same time in our individual lives, the Holy Spirit will speak to each of us and allow us to encourage and edify one another in prayer.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Advent Prayer of Patience

Holy Patience,
that deep, calm resistance
against the riptide of the season's hurry,
while swell upon swell of Christmas
laps at every edge of our lives,
you call us to an Advent way of living;
deep calling to deep,
love bearing love,
Word becoming flesh.
Slow, labored, beloved Patience,
come, teach us to trust in Advent's buoyancy;
suspend us, outstretched, for the coming of Christ.

excerpt from Simply Wait: Cultivating Stillness in the Season of Advent by Pamela C. Hawkins, pg. 65


  1. You, Lord, are my calm resistance against this world. You are the one who empowers me to slow down, to breathe, to take in your beauty and to enjoy Your Presence. Give me patience: with things, people, activity. Help me keep my eyes fixed on You this busy season and drink of You deeply. Amen.

  2. O God of all ages and eternity, help me to step fully into this way of Advent living - slow and deep and full of love -- away from the temporary things of this life. Suspend me in the truth and hope of Jesus alone. Amen.

  3. Word becoming flesh. Jesus, Word, may my body be a humble home for your presence. I adore you! Jesus! Amen

  4. Oh Jesus, I want this patience. Patience and stillness in every area of my life as I wait. I want patience so steady, so deep, so joyful, that it doesn't even feel like waiting. Can it be, Lord? My Jesus, I abide in you!

  5. Suspend me, outstretched, for the coming of Christ.

  6. Suspend me outstretched for your coming Jesus! Hallelujah! Amen

  7. Lord bring me into your deep calm. Fully present with you, fully present with whoever you put with me. Jesus come. Amen

  8. Advent. Calling. Bearing. Becoming like you Jesus. Bless the Lord o my soul. Amen.

  9. Love bearing love. Word becoming flesh. Jesus, when you put human skin on you demonstrated in the deepest way love bearing love. For you so loved the world, Abba, that you sent Jesus to be flesh with us and show us the way to you - the only way to you - and it was not through condemnation but through love. You, Jesus, whose name means savior, bore our sins in your body on the tree that we might have righteousness. Thanks be to God. Amen.

  10. Hold me, heal me, bring me to rest in you Jesus. Amen

  11. Holy patience, my deep calm resistance against all the things that threaten to stress and overwhelm me. No. Fnd me thankful, find me grateful, find me on my knees. Jesus, you are the one thing I want. I pray that every part of my life would lead me, drive me into closer communion with you!

  12. Calm. Patience. Peace. These are not things we pursue - they are gifts we receive as we tap into Your power and live in full submission to the Holy Spirit. Spirit, let my spirit come to the front and receive this slowed way of living from you --let me leave behind all striving and pressing -- and let me fix my eyes on Jesus and pursue you only.
