Why a site about prayer?

The purpose of this site is to encourage us to each go deeper in our prayer life. One way that we do that is by praying together. Another way we do that is by praying individually yet collectively on the same prayer themes. Our hope is that as we share prayers and reflect on them and pray over them at the same time in our individual lives, the Holy Spirit will speak to each of us and allow us to encourage and edify one another in prayer.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve Prayer

At the beginning of this new year,
we implore God's blessing upon our work
and pray for the needs of this new year of grace.
Throughout all time you have blessed your people, O God,
and dwelt among them.
On the eve of this new year,
inspire and guide us,
that all we do may find in you its beginning and fulfillment. Amen.

from Revised Common Lectionary prayers, Year A, New Year's Day

Friday, December 30, 2016

Christ Prayer

Christ for sickness, Christ for health,
Christ for poverty, Christ for wealth,
Christ for joy, Christ for sorrow,
Christ today, and Christ tomorrow;
Christ my life, and Christ my light,
Christ for morning, noon, and night;
Christ when all around gives way,
Christ my everlasting stay;
Christ my rest, Christ my food,
Christ above my highest good;
Christ my well beloved, my Friend,
Christ my pleasure without end;
Christ my Savior, Christ my Lord,
Christ my Portion, Christ my God,
Christ my Shepherd, I His sheep,
Christ Himself my soul does keep.
Christ my Leader, Christ my Peace,
Christ has brought my soul's release;
Christ my Righteousness divine,
Christ for me, for He is mine;
Christ my Wisdom, Christ my meat,
Christ restores my wandering feet,
Christ my Advocate and my Priest,
Christ who never forgets the least;
Christ my Teacher, Christ my Guide,
Christ my Rock, in Christ I hide;
Christ the everlasting Bread,
Christ His precious blood has shed;
Christ has brought us near to God,
Christ the everlasting Word,|
Christ my Master, Christ my Head,
Christ who for my sins has bled;
Christ my Glory, Christ my Crown,
Christ the Plant of great Renown,
Christ my Comforter on high,
Christ my Hope draws ever nigh.

Prayer attributed to St. Patrick

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Prayer to Our Nurturing God

Nurturing God,
remembering the exile of the holy family
and Herod's slaughter of the children,
we remember all who need our sustaining love.
Hear our prayers for the church and the community in the world.
Grant that all people may hear together the song of joy,
and find their homes in the garden of justice and hope,
that we may experience the fullness of life,
which is your will for all,
in the coming of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

From Revised Common Lectionary, Year A, First Sunday After Christmas

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

God of Hope

God of hope,
you call us home from the exile of selfish oppression
to the freedom of justice,
the balm of healing,
and the joy of sharing.
Make us strong to join you in your holy work,
as friends of strangers and victims,
companions of those whom others shun,
and as the happiness of those whose hearts are broken.
We make our prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord.

from Revised Common Lectionary prayers, Year A, Third Week of Advent

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Prayer for Wakefulness

Christ, our God, 

whom humble shepherds worshiped at a manger, 

you are holy and most high, merciful and mighty. 

Startle us to wakefulness, 

that we may rejoice in your new and glorious dawn, 

and, in your holy name, 

act to mend this suffering world. Amen. 

From Revised Common Lectionary, Year A, Christmas

Monday, December 26, 2016

The Gift of Jesus Christ

God of promise,
you have given us a sign of your love
through the gift of Jesus Christ, our Savior,
who was promised from ages past.
We believe as Joseph did
the message of your presence
whispered by an angel,
and offer our prayers for your world,
confident of your care and mercy for all creation. Amen.

from Revised Common Lectionary prayers, Year A, Fourth Week of Advent

Sunday, December 25, 2016

A Prayer for Christmas Morning

The day of joy returns, Father in Heaven and crowns another year with peace and good will.
Help us rightly to remember the birth of Jesus that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds and the worship of the wise men.
Close the doors of hate and open the doors of love all over the world and 
Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting.
Deliver us from evil by the blessing that Christ brings and teach us to be merry with clean hearts.
May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children
And the Christmas evening bring us to our bed with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake.

By Henry Van Dyke

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Child of Bethlehem

O Holy One,
heavenly angels spoke to earthly shepherds
and eternity entered time in the child of Bethlehem.
Through the telling of the Christmas story,
let our temporal lives be caught up in the eternal
in that same child,
that we might join shepherds and all the heavenly host
in praising the coming of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

From Revised Common Lectionary, Year A, Christmas

Friday, December 23, 2016

God of Glory Shines

God of glory,
your splendor shines from a manger in Bethlehem,
where the Light of the world is humbly born
into the darkness of human night.
Open our eyes to Christ's presence in the shadows of our world,
so that we, like him, may become beacons of your justice,
and defenders of all for whom there is no room. Amen.

From Revised Common Lectionary, Year A, Christmas

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Abba, You Visited Your People

We bless you, Abba, Father,
for you have visited your people
in one like us in all things but sin,
and in human fragility you have revealed
the face of divinity.
Gather into your arms
all the peoples of the world,
so that in your embrace
we may find blessing, peace,
and the fullness of our inheritance
as your daughters and sons. Amen.

From Revised Common Lectionary, Year A, Christmas

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Light of Life

Light of life, you came in flesh,
born into human pain and joy,
and gave us power to be your children.
Grant us faith, O Christ, to see your presence among us,
so that all of creation may sing new songs of gladness
and walk in the way of peace. Amen.

From Revised Common Lectionary, Year A, Christmas

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Welcoming Christ with Praise

O God of Elizabeth and Mary,
you visited your servants with news of the world's redemption
in the coming of the Savior.
Make our hearts leap with joy,
and fill our mouths with songs of praise,
that we may announce glad tidings of peace,
and welcome the Christ in our midst. Amen.

from Revised Common Lectionary prayers, Year A, Fourth Week of Advent

Monday, December 19, 2016

Shepherd of Israel

Shepherd of Israel,
may Jesus, Emmanuel and son of Mary,
be more than just a dream in our hearts.
With the apostles, prophets, and saints,
save us, restore us,
and lead us in the way of grace and peace,
that we may bear your promise into the world. Amen.

from Revised Common Lectionary prayers, Year A, Fourth Week of Advent

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Advent Prayer for Peace

Loving God,
You sent your Son Jesus to break down walls that divide and to reconcile all people to you:
Teach us to be peacemakers and stewards of the earth.
Give us courage to share what we have with glad hearts so that others may be sheltered, fed, and loved.
Help us to live each day filled with your grace and in harmony with one another.
In the name of the Prince of Peace. Amen

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Advent Prayer of Joy

God of joy and exultation, 
you strengthen what is weak; 
you enrich the poor 
and give hope to those who live in fear. 
Look upon our needs this day. 
Make us grateful for the good news of salvation 
and keep us faithful in your service 
until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
who lives for ever and ever. Amen.

from The Revised Common Lectionary suggested prayers for Week 3 of Advent, Year A

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Advent Prayer of Patience

Holy Patience,
that deep, calm resistance
against the riptide of the season's hurry,
while swell upon swell of Christmas
laps at every edge of our lives,
you call us to an Advent way of living;
deep calling to deep,
love bearing love,
Word becoming flesh.
Slow, labored, beloved Patience,
come, teach us to trust in Advent's buoyancy;
suspend us, outstretched, for the coming of Christ.

excerpt from Simply Wait: Cultivating Stillness in the Season of Advent by Pamela C. Hawkins, pg. 65