Why a site about prayer?

The purpose of this site is to encourage us to each go deeper in our prayer life. One way that we do that is by praying together. Another way we do that is by praying individually yet collectively on the same prayer themes. Our hope is that as we share prayers and reflect on them and pray over them at the same time in our individual lives, the Holy Spirit will speak to each of us and allow us to encourage and edify one another in prayer.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


by John Rutter

For the beauty of the earth; For the beauty of the skies, For the love which from our birth over and around us lies: Lord of all, to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise.

For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night, Hill and vale and tree and flower, Sun and moon and stars of light: Lord of all, to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise.

For the joy of human love, Brother, sister, parent, child, friends of earth, and friends above, For all gentle thoughts and mild: Lord of all to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise.

For each perfect gift of thine to our race so freely given, Graces human and divine, Flow'rs of earth and buds of heav'n: Lord of all to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise.



  1. Graces human and divine. Jesus alone. Amen

  2. Lord of all, to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise. Fill our lips with praise - every moment, every day. Praise of you Father, Son, Spirit. Thanksgiving and praise are yours alone.

  3. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you! Father, your gifts and blessings are too numerous to name! All is yours and all is from you! We worship you, praise you, give you all of our love! Give thanks to the Lord, his steadfast love endures forever!!

  4. For the joy of human love .... Tim, Amanda, my family, Tim's family, all of our friends.... All those that we love. Thank you for designing us for fellowship. Lead me in your way of love. Jesus you are love! Amen.

  5. Another stanza to this hymn that I love:

    For yourself, best gift divine,
    to the world so freely given,
    agent of God's grand design:
    peace on earth and joy in heaven.

    Thank you, Jesus, for being the best gift ever given.

    1. For yourself, best gift divine!!! Thank you Jesus!

  6. "For the beauty of the earth...for the beauty of the skies" Lord I thank you for the beautiful skies we saw today. During the day today and this evening's sunset -the colors you painted across the sky were simply magnificent. I am in awe and worship you with wonder. You are worthy! Praise to you!!! Praise, praise!!!

  7. For the joy of human love...thank you, Lord, for how you are showing me what deep human love really looks like. Love that is for you and for one another. Love that is honest and full of grace. Love that delights in truth and wholeness. Love that is giving. It is only because of you that we can have this type of love! Thank you Lord! You are good. Amen.

  8. For the love which from our birth over and around us lies...
    For each perfect gift of thine to our race so freely given...
    Oh Father, thank you for your love! And thank you for your good gifts! Open my eyes to your love today and all of your many love-gifts. Let me be in tune with you all day long, hearing you and seeing you! Show me what to write on my gifts list. You are so good to me. I love you!
